Speakers' Corner

Full information about Establishment Speakers' Corner at Hyde Park, Marble Arch, London, England W2 2EU. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Hyde Park, Marble Arch, London, England W2 2EU
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Phone number:
+44 7722 523629



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Opening times

Sunday 11:00 — 19:00
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Speakers' Corner

Reviews about Speakers' Corner

  • Jim Hughes
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Jim Hughes: I had a great debate with a Muslim terrorist. I was the only non Muslim in the entire gathering. There were actually moments when it got a little scary. It was a heated discussion. I I was from the USA and it was right after the Muslim terrorists had taken down our World Trade Centers Towers in New York. I could tell the Muslims in the crowd did not like me and were hanging on every word of the debate. Of course their speaker on the box was very elegant, but dead wrong, and could not justify what their colleagues did to our country. He tried to convince his crowd that President Bush was responsible for crashing the planes into our own buildings and killing so many Americans. I started pushing him for proof of course, he had none. He knew he was lying. And he wasn’t skilled enough to look believable. So he dropped all effort he was making to come across as charismatic and smart and just started using all those 4-letter words that losers resort to when the realize they are losing the debate.
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Speakers Corner
Speakers' Corner, hyde park, free speech, oratory, debate, speakers corner, speakers, marxism, socialism, islam, resonace fm, poetry, comedy, religion

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