Quintin Hogg Memorial Statue

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Marylebone, London, England W1B 1PT
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Quintin Hogg Memorial Statue

Reviews about Quintin Hogg Memorial Statue

  • Infoexpert X
    ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    Quintin Hogg (1845 – 1903) was an English philanthropist, remembered primarily as a benefactor of the Royal Polytechnic institution at Regent Street, London, now the University of Westminster.

    The bronze memorial depicts Hogg with two children, and stands on a plinth of Portland stone. It was designed by George Frampton and erected in 1906. The memorial also honours Hogg's wife, Alice, and those members of the Regent Street Polytechnic killed in World War I and World War II.

    The memorial has been Grade II listed since February 1970.
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