Peabody - The Gateway Centre

Full information about Establishment Peabody - The Gateway Centre at The Gateway Centre, 66 Lancaster Street, London, England SE1 0RZ. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


The Gateway Centre, 66 Lancaster Street, London, England SE1 0RZ
Get directions

Phone number:
+44 20 7021 4400



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Opening times

Monday 09:30 — 12:30
13:30 — 16:30
Tuesday 09:30 — 12:30
13:30 — 16:30
Wednesday 09:30 — 12:30
13:30 — 16:30
Thursday 09:30 — 12:30
13:30 — 16:30
Friday 09:30 — 12:30
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Peabody - The Gateway Centre

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Peabody housing association London | Peabody
Peabody housing association in London, one of the city's oldest and largest, owns and manages around 55,000 homes in London and the south east and provides care and support and large scale community regeneration programmes.
Peabody, housing association, social housing, properties for rent, properties for sale, shared ownership, community regeneration, youth projects, sheltered housing, supported housing, digital inclusion, residents, tenants, leaseholders, sustainability, architecture, quality homes, developing new homes, London, family mosaic

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