London Woodwork Classes

Full information about Establishment London Woodwork Classes at Maidstone Road, London, England N11 2JT. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Maidstone Road, London, England N11 2JT
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Phone number:
+44 7866 158145



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Opening times

Sunday 08:00 — 18:30
Saturday 08:45 — 18:30
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London Woodwork Classes

Reviews about London Woodwork Classes

  • Christian Gleissner
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Woodworking with attention to detail and passion.

    Ian is a truly excellent teacher. He has great attention to detail and will really push you to strive for excellence and accuracy. His decades of experience with teaching and woodworking as well as his passion for the subject shine through at any moment.

    Our class had only three students which allowed for a very targeted tutoring experience. Ian was very good at answering any questions and providing a helping hand when needed. He also had prepared a variety of ingenious, laser-cut jigs and precisely planed wood to facilitate the project. Cookies (both wheat and wood based), tea and coffee were served throughout the day. Additionally, his very good sense of humor turned the two Saturday coffee table course into not only a very insightful and rewarding, but also thoroughly enjoyable and pleasant experience.

    His garden workshop shed is a treasure trove full of ideas on tool setup and workshop layout that provides much inspiration for anyone who is currently setting up a workshop.

    I highly recommend Ian's London Woodwork Classes.
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