Dennis Pedersen

Full information about Establishment Dennis Pedersen at Academy Buildings, 4-5 Fanshaw Street, London, England N1 6LQ. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Academy Buildings, 4-5 Fanshaw Street, London, England N1 6LQ
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Phone number:
+44 20 7613 0603



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Dennis Pedersen

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Still Life Photographer - London, New York, Paris, Milan - Dennis Pedersen -
Still-life photographer Dennis Pedersen transforms everyday materials into spectacular, dynamic imagery. It’s an art that he has honed for over 20 years. Pedersen’s studio is highly sought-after by clients from many sectors - all seeking a highly creative response to the photography of their products. Water, ice, heat, materials in flux: like an alchemist, Pedersen employs techniques and effects that bring materials and brands to life. This page is:
still life photographer, london photographer, professional photographer, studio photographer, editorial photographer, magazine photographer, advertising photographer, advertorial photographer, catalogue photographer, fashion photographer, beauty photographer, cosmetics photographer, product photographer, beauty product photographer, shoe photographer, shoes photographer, bag photographer, bags photographer, product photographer, jewellery photographer, technology photographer, experienced photographer, stil

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